Hi Campers,
Just to confirm what was decided at the meeting on Friday.
We are meeting at the castle at 6am, for photos etc, to leave at 6.30am sharp.
Could I request that, for safety reasons, everyone has their phones fully charged and switched on please, I will bring the list of everyone's phone numbers for those that weren't at the meeting, to put into your phones, especially the support driver's numbers.
As the weather is unpredictable, I suggest that everyone brings a change of clothes to put in one of the support vehicles.
Andy will provide some lunch like last year, we will stop just up the road from the pub stop for lunch, there is a small charge of £2.00 for this. The pub have very kindly said that we can use their toilet facilities when we stop, so you won't have to cross your legs!
Andy is driving the bus for those that need a lift back, but, if anyone needs to be back for a certain time, could you please make other arrangements, thanks.
We will be eating at around 8.30pm on Saturday evening and we have agreed with the hotel that everyone pays for their meal, as they order it, to avoid any confusion, as not everybody is staying at the same place.
Cheers Jackie