6am, on the morning of Saturday July 3rd, 2010. Was it excitement? Was it trepidation? Something was definitely in the air. Or was it simply the smell of fear, and last night‘s carb-loading pasta bake!! 15 intrepid mountain-bikers, facing the worst 110 miles of uphill hell that Wales could offer!
Paul “that was a tw*t” Johnson, whose use of Anglo Saxon expletives as a personal motivator, is currently being considered, as a training aid, by the British Olympic cycling team.
Zoe “tea belly” Hall, smiled through the pain, with a steady supply of PG, and the promise of a pie and a pint at the finish line.
Jackie “Dirty Dozen” Ward. Crazy enough to have cycled all 12 of the clubs annual rides. She is also known as “The Godmother”. If you don’t have a spare inner-tube, a pump, and everyone’s mobile number, be prepared to find a horses head in your bed!
Paul “Duracell” Davies. This guy’s no bunny! A true British bulldog, who would still be cycling now, if we hadn’t chalked a finish line on the road at Aberdovey!
Aaron “Training? What training?” Dunn, took a break from not training, earlier this year, to marry his new bride, Leanne. Grinning, as he passed the finish line, he is now training his thoughts on the training rides of 2011, as everyone trains for Barmouth.
Adam “Downhill Racer” Wilkinson, had us all running for the first aid kit, during his dicey descents. The “Wilkinson Catalogue of Road-kill” has a new chapter, thanks to this years fine selection. No stoats, but then there’s always next year.
Josh “Call That a Hill” Wilkinson. When not worrying about his Dad’s apparent personal downhill death wish , attacked the uphills with his usual quiet fortitude, without, it seems, even breaking into a sweat. Oh to be young again!
Eunice “True Grit” Boote, boldly overcame last years demons, thrashing those hills, as though she had a score to settle. Remember, gents,…Hell hath no fury…like a woman in need of a bubble bath & a slab of chocolate cake!
Neil “Who’s Neil” Wood. After his sponsored ride across Mongolia, Neil must have found this a breeze, even without the promise of a bowl of casseroled, curried yak at the finish. One word of warning…get in before him, if you are ordering food on a lunch stop!!
Pete “Stalwart” Brown, who not only battled with his own ride, took the time and energy to check on those behind him. His 100 mile a week training regime obviously paying off. A shame he couldn’t truly express how he really felt, at the top of that hill, finding his big sister was waiting at the top. It’s also thanks to Pete that we have this brilliant blog site. Cheers buddy.
Becky “On Top of the World” Crowder. Not content with beating the physical torture of the ride, she now takes on the challenge of a lifetime of mental anguish, having accepted Phil’s proposal of marriage at the finish line. Only joking guys. We wish you every happiness!
Then there were the 3 musketeers…
Russell “The Tour Guide” Bradshaw, who, I’m told, always seems to have breath enough to point out local places of interest, as you wheeze your way along a particularly arduous training ride.
John “The Grin” Charleton, who always reached the top of those hills smiling. But, if you’ve ever seen a boxer on the receiving end of a brutal exchange, you’ll know exactly what he was really feeling!
Lawrence “ Long distance” Pilgrim, had to forgo his pre-ride night, 12 pint preparation programme, due to the fact that he had to drive 80 miles in the morning, from Preston, to make the start. Undeterred, and totally sober (your honour), he grimaced his way through everything Wales had to throw at him.
Let’s not forget Richard “Miles in the Bank” Stott, who, unfortunately, had to pull out of the ride at the last minute, due to a back injury. He does, however, hope to keep the energy account topped up, for next years ride to Barmouth, when he’ll “spend, spend, spend!”. It was great to see Richard, and his wife Barb, at Aberdovey, to cheer everyone over the finish line. Also, a big thank you to his sponsors, who are still donating, obviously appreciating the amount of training he did in preparation.
Bikers aside, for one moment, lets not forget those who supported, making this utter lunacy possible. Those stalwart individuals, following this snaking train of bikers, getting in your way as you attempt a long, hard, slow uphill climb. Those avid readers of newspapers, who have to break away at a moments notice from a riveting conversation and well earned tea break, to provide vocal and sometimes visual motivation. Those tea swilling, hard driving, hard yawning, hard-pressed to find anything better to do on a sunny Saturday, support team.
Newcomers Phil “Frodo” (think about it!) Flowers, & Jane “Whatever Next” Lord must have wondered what they’d let themselves in for, as they were dragged, at the crack of dawn, from perfectly comfortable beds, to witness 15 lycra-clad lunatics limber up at the foot of Stafford castle.
We must also remember Jane & Mike Keeling, and what has been referred to as “the cafĂ© on the hill”. After many miles of cycling, what at times must have seemed like a wilderness, and climbing several particularly cruel hills, riders must have thought they were seeing a mirage, as there was Jane & Mike with their mobile catering unit, complete with portaloo! A truly surreal, but wonderfully welcome, interlude, quite literally in the middle of nowhere.
Rachael “…Go Balti Biiiike Club” Jones, whose enthusiasm is as infectious as her wonderful laugh. The riders think they have it tough, but they’ve never been put through their paces at the roadside, as Rachael choreographs the support team in a suitably vocal, and sometimes gymnastic, show of support. This years ‘chanting pyramid’ was truly inspired, if not a little uncomfortable. Anyone who missed it, or would like to see it again, can catch it at this years Edinburgh Fringe.
Finally, Nick “it’s in the can” Mallyon. 12 glorious years as the official BBC cycling correspondent (Yes, it’s on his CV); filming the ups & downs, the laughter & tears, the pain and euphoria, through sunshine & torrential rain. It takes a particular breed of reporter to suddenly descend on a road ravaged rider, dehydrated to the point of desiccation, gasping what feels like their final breath, to ask…”so what do you think of the ride so far?”
Whether you cycled or supported, I would like to thank each and every one of you personally, for making, what I believe to be one of the best rides to date, so very special. I hope my own humble contribution helped give you a similar experience also.