We had a lovely ride on Sunday about 45 miles in total.
Paul led us all on his mystery trip to Norbury Junction, the weather was fairly kind to us until we had finished lunch, then the Great Storm of Norbury struck; thunder, lightening, hale and heavy rain. (We hid in the pub till it had passed over, then applied warming heat patches to appropriate body parts and set off home.
Unfortunately Paul had technical problems with his pedals at Gnosal which meant his bike was taking no further part in the ride. He commandeered Kay’s bike to get home via fastest main route, while the remaining ladies took the scenic Bradely Route.
Paul led us all on his mystery trip to Norbury Junction, the weather was fairly kind to us until we had finished lunch, then the Great Storm of Norbury struck; thunder, lightening, hale and heavy rain. (We hid in the pub till it had passed over, then applied warming heat patches to appropriate body parts and set off home.
Unfortunately Paul had technical problems with his pedals at Gnosal which meant his bike was taking no further part in the ride. He commandeered Kay’s bike to get home via fastest main route, while the remaining ladies took the scenic Bradely Route.
Kay last seen sitting on a bench in Gnosal, babysitting Pauls bike.