Thursday, May 3, 2012

Balti, hotel and stuff

Hi Guys. 
We braved the weather and went to Llandudno yesterday to check the route for the big ride, I really do hope that the weather is better in July than it was yesterday, otherwise we will have to change the name to the Balti Boat Club!! Several people have booked rooms now, but Roger would like the rest of the group to book as soon as poss please, so that he knows which other rooms he can let out to other people, cheers. 

We could also do with knowing if any one else wants to go to the balti next Sunday, 6th May, so that I can confirm numbers, If I don't hear from you in the next couple of days, I will assume that you are not coming. 

We have organised the training rides for June, they are as follows.... 
Sunday 3rd June wem 
Saturday 9th June, several of us are doing the Brewood 60 mile organised ride 
Sunday 17th Ironbridge 
Sunday 24th Alton 
Sunday 1st July something fairly easy, as it's just one week to go!!! 

The rides in May, will probably include quite a bit ,dare I say.....Milwich!!!! 

I hope to see you all soon. 
Cheers Jackie x