Friday, April 12, 2013

Criccieth hotel

Hi Guys.
As you know I have reserved all the rooms at the Plas Isa in Criccieth, I have rung them this morning and they say that they only have two rooms booked so far.

Could you please let them know as soon as possible, if you are wanting  to book a room there, so they can fill the rooms with other guests.

The phone number is  01766 522443.

There are lots of other hotels available if you would prefer.

Thanks Jackie x

Training ride for 14th April

Hi Guys.

Last week we went to the Spiders Web at Cosford, very nice ride, plus the weather was much warmer, we did about 40 miles in all.

This Sunday we plan to go to Norbury Junction, so meeting at the castle as normal.

Thanks Jackie x

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The Magnificent Seven

Well, they were alright at least!

Seven brave cyclists set off for what's arguably the best lunchtime stop on the Balti Bike Club cafĂ© break roster – The Spider's Web at Cosford.

Braving the cold was all worth it just for one of their bacon and egg butties.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Training ride for Sunday 7th April


We are meeting as usual this Sunday at the Castle, at 10am, all welcome, we are going to the Spider's Web, as it wasn’t open last Monday.

Cheers Jackie x

The teapot visit

We did our third training ride last Monday, no ride the previous weekend due to the weather.

We went to The Teapot at Spring Slade, on the Chase. It was about 35 VERY cold miles.

Looking forward to some warmer weather.

Cheers Jackie x

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Oh the British weather

It really caught us out last week but plenty of spring is on the way.

Punctures galore

Well, it was a bit chilly but a good turnout. The Lapley route was as kind as ever and the sandwiches at Gnosall were well worth the wait.

With hedge cutting on the route we had a few punctures, Rob had three – poor chap.

Meeting and balti night

Thank you to all that came to the meeting and the balti afterwards, another great night!