Hi Guys,
This is mainly for the benefit of those of you that didn't make the meeting last Friday.
The date for the "Big One" is Saturday 3rd July and we will be going to Barmouth again, albeit with a different ending, for the last ten miles we will be following the estuary into Barmouth.
There will be a training ride every Sunday up until then, I realise that not everybody will be able to make everyone of them, but there should be some of us out each Sunday.
This Sunday starts at 10.30am, at the castle, but the start time for future rides is open to negotiation, so please check, either on email, here on the blog or text me.
I will be sorting a couple of hotels out as soon as poss and pass the information to you, but obviously, you are more than welcome to choose your own accommodation if you prefer to.
Hope you are all fit and well and hope to see some of you on Sunday.
Cheers Jackie x